Saturday, November 21, 2015

Topic Proposal

                Classroom attendance is completely different from high school to college. Most college courses do not require attendance. This is especially true for lectures. However, many general education courses at the University of Iowa require attendance and use it towards one final grade. The problem with this attendance policy is that it kills students’ intrinsic motivation to learn in class.

                As a freshmen, I have felt this effect. I generally look forward to going to classes that are do not require attendance because I am interested in learning more. On the other hand, rather than developing an eagerness for learning, I often feel resentful towards going to classes that require attendance.

                In this presentation I will argue that University of Iowa students generally feel less motivated and interested in courses that require attendance. To solve this problem, the University must do away with required attendance policies. I plan to utilize various social and psychological journals in the University of Iowa database to support my argument. I will also interview individuals or survey the class on their opinions regarding the issue of required class attendance.

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